Year 6 Camp - Camp Goodenough
Camp Goodenough offers a proven program that encourages teamwork, exploration, the development of new skills and much more.

Year 5 Camp - Emu Gully
The Challenge is an exceptional leadership and team building program based on the character values of Courage, Mateship, Sacrifice and Perseverance.
Year 4 Camp - Tallebudgera
Tallebudgera O&EEC offer a range of education programs that are designed to encourage:
- the teaching and learning of self-reliance, interdependence and leadership
- the development of an adventurous spirit
- managing personal risks
- experiencing safe journeys in nature
- learning the value of lifelong outdoor recreation for enjoyment, health and wellbeing
- the understanding of nature through direct experience; and the development of deeper human-nature relationships.
All programs contain explicit curriculum links with the Australian and Queensland Curriculum with a specific focus on the general capabilities of Personal and Social Capabilities and Critical and Creative Thinking.
We embed the cross curricular priorities of Sustainability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture throughout all of our programs.
