At Sunnybank Hills State School, we embrace diversity by providing a welcoming, inclusive and accessible educational setting. We value partnerships with students and parent/carers in our approach to teaching and learning.
Our goal is to provide appropriate supports which enables every student to engage, thrive and achieve. Our inclusive approach to learning helps every student engage in their learning.
Some students may have physical, or sensory (eg. sight, hearing), or social-emotional or academic learning needs, which may impact on the student's ability to access /learn at school. These needs may be temporary or long term.
To support these needs, our school has a Guidance Officer, Speech Pathologist, Social Worker and Support Teachers and Teacher Aides. Education Queensland Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Nurses and Advisory Visiting Teachers also collaborate with our school team to support students learning and well-being.
EALD: English as an Additional Language or Dialect
EAL/D learners can include those born in Australia and raised in families in which languages or dialects other than English are spoken such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students or children of migrants. Those born outside of Australia include humanitarian entrants, international students and migrants.
Teachers determine students' English language proficiency (listening, speaking, reading and writing) using Bandscales State Schools (Queensland) (PDF, 176KB).
Assessment and Reporting
Depending on the student's levels of English proficiency, the language demands of the task may be reduced, allowing students to focus on demonstrating their content understanding.
Students are assessed and reported against the achievement standard for the year level curriculum they are taught however EAL/D students in their first 12 months of Australian schooling may be exempt from this. For these students, their reports contain a written statement about their English language proficiency against the Bandscales State Schools (Queensland) as well as achievement in the learning areas of the Australian Curriculum if appropriate.
Engaging an interpreter to support communication at school – visit: